Farmers protest
February 2nd, 2024

The farmers during their protest burned hundreds of tires and a tree. A protest that should be ecological and without attacking public street furniture ended with carbon dioxide pollution in the atmosphere and the death of an innocent tree.
January 30th, 2024

Series of national and multinational large-scale live exercises (LIVEX) conducted across various geographical locations within SACEUR’s area of responsibility. It is the largest NATO exercise in decades, with approximately 90,000 soldiers, sailors and airmen from 31 Allies and Sweden, and it will be based on NATO’s new defence plans. The exercise demonstrates NATO’s capability to quickly deploy and reinforce in times of crisis, focusing on training for deterrence and defense across the Euro-Atlantic region.
If Russia is not stopped in Ukraine, it could continue, and then it’s the Baltic states who would be next, according to a statement by the Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gabrielius Landsbergis, ahead of the meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels. Landsbergis emphasized that Ukraine is currently holding back Russian aggression on its territory, adding that he hopes for its success in this war. “But if the Ukrainians are unsuccessful, we have to be ready to answer the question of who will contain Russia then,” said the Lithuanian minister. According to him, the Baltic countries could be the first to fall under danger. “Now we do feel the war close to us, we understand that if Russia is not stopped in Ukraine, it could continue, and then it’s the Baltic states who would be next. And hopefully this could send a message to our friends and partners in Europe, in NATO, that we have to take it seriously,” Landsbergis stated. He added that Ukraine’s war is existential for Europe. “This is why we feel the chill of the war on our necks,” said the Lithuanian Foreign Minister. The Ministry of Defense of Lithuania also commented on the situation, stating that there is currently no threat of a Russian attack on NATO, as Moscow is focused on Ukraine.
Decolonization of Belgian public space
January 23rd, 2024

Decolonization fundamentally consists of a questioning, a deconstruction of our thoughts, our reasoning, our imaginations to overcome the foundations of injustices and inequalities. Mathys and Van Beurden demonstrate that “the supposed benefits of colonialism, for example, were very unevenly distributed, and not at all structurally developed. They were often (sometimes unintentionally) by-products of colonial policies intended to protect the interests of the mother country and not the result of altruistic actions.
Image: The ‘leopard man’, the statue that inspired one of the characters in ‘Tintin in the Congo’, the album that earned its author, Hergé, accusations of being racist and colonialist in the ‘ReThinking Collections’ exhibition at the Africa Museum from Brussels.
Cuba 1991
June 18th, 2023

Novo libro
En xullo publicase un novo libro sobor o proxecto levado a cabo no ano 1991, durante o Período Especial en Tempos de Paz na illa de Cuba.
O Período Especial en Tempos de Paz, foi unha longa crise que comezou como resultado do colapso da Unión Soviética en 1991, do campo socialista e o agravamento do embargo estadounidense. Aínda hoxe, en 2023, a carencia de combustible e outros produtos de necesidade, obrigan ao racionamento. Cuba 1991, é un proxecto de fotografía documental con concepto de autor, levado a cabo na illa para documentar a vida diaria e o esforzo da cidadanía para sobrevivir.
O autor documentou A Zafra (recollida da cana de azucre), a minería, a agricultura, o tabaco, a vida social, e outros temas. Foi posible fotografar grazas a que as autoridades cubanas comprenderon a necesidade de facer ver ao mundo a precariedade na que vivía Cuba, e enviar unha mensaxe a solidariedade internacional. As fotografías son en branco e negro con película Kodak TRI-X, e os textos en galego. Desafortunadamente, nun voo de Madrid a Cuba, o avión fixo escala en Santo Domingo e a maleta que contiña cadernos e negativos nunca máis apareceu. E se non fose pouco, moitos dos textos escritos estaban nun computador Toshiba T1000XE, que nunca volveu a acender. A tirada é de 100 exemplares, en papel interior de 135 gramos, dos cales se poñen á venda 80. É un prezo simbólico na promoción sen ánimo de lucro para un proxecto autofinanciado, publicado como libro por primeira vez grazas e en parte as achegas que recibe. O traballo foto documental acadou o primeiro premio Fotopres da Caixa en Barcelona, 1993. Cuba 1991 é a ollada comprometida do autor aberto a crítica no eido educativo.
Ligazón para mercar o libro:
100 anos Primeira guerra Mundial 1919
June 18th, 2023

June 17th, 2023

Epupa falls
September 4th, 2020

September 4th, 2020

The Atlantic. Portugal.
September 4th, 2020

September 4th, 2020