
May 14th, 2017

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Just a little thought about climate change

The mountain has always been for me one of the places where I have found peace and quiet. Due to a lung disease our parents took us from very young to the mountain, breathe fresh air and get that solitude outside of the cities that we are looking for. In a short and recent trip to the Swiss and French Alps I have been able to observe the great threat that is taking place and the uncertain future of climate change. But the worrying thing is also tourism. Thousands of tourists want to reach the top of the mountains, as if it were a race to be the best, upload the photos to social networks and ensure that they has been there. The problem lies not in the personal ego of each individual, but in the amount of garbage that generates and is scattered throughout the mountain, despite the great efforts of the governments of both countries to keep the ecosystem as pure and natural possible. To all this must be added the lack of snow every winter. There is recent reports, from fellows photographers Carl De Keyzer with his project Higher Ground (http://www.carldekeyzer.com/pro…/higher-ground-laj/XF9DCVNC-) about climate change and also John Vink documented a small town where years ago people were held isolated by the great snowstorms (https://www.magnumphotos.com/…/john-vink-white-gold-fairyt…/). The lack of snow means that many families can not live those months of skiing. Despite the fact that the millionaire investments in machinery to make snow are not enough.

Today the reality is quite different from our young years of alpinists, when Chamonix was a small town from where expeditions started. Now the small village is full of shops, crowds, cars, buses, and looks like a disgusting place.

Do should we put doors to the mountain to protect natural spaces or is it a question of environmental education?.

Once in Zermatt we wanted to show our twins the great iconic and majestic rock of Matterhorn. But today its beauty is enveloped by a layer of clouds that protect it of our looks. While many tourists are waiting in rows for the opportunity to photograph with their mobile phones.

The Matterhorn in a picture, Zermatt, Suisse, 2017


November 30th, 2016



June 5th, 2016



The finger

April 19th, 2016

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Nenos agardando na cola da comida. Idomeni, Grecia, marzo 2016

E de súpeto, alguén nun despacho dunha cómoda e quente oficiña, deu a orde de pechar as portas do paraíso. Miles de soñadores, entre nenos, homes, mulleres e vellos, quedaron atrapados, sen comida, sen lume para cociñar, esquecidos por todos. Xa levan moitos días malvivindo, mentres os soños perduran cada día e cada noite. Hai xente que espera chegar alí donde os esperan, amigos ou familiares. Os que mandaron pechar as portas, os que teñen o poder de todo, non son capaces de atopar unha solución. Foiselles o asunto das máns. Hai nenos sen escolarizar, e tarde ou temprano van a sair dese inferno, pero que dirán de nós, os europeos que fardamos de ser solidarios, de ter vivido e padecido a inxustiza das dictaduras?. Que dirán desta Europa que acada premios Nobel de la Paz e que deixa a milleiros de persoas no fango e o frío?. Que dirán de nós cando nos digan que non tiñan nen lume para poder quentar a leite para os nenos?.


June 19th, 2014

Essay 1

June 17th, 2014



June 17th, 2014

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Boy on Tv

June 17th, 2014

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Boy on Tv


Ne me quitte pas

June 17th, 2014

La femme de la photo.

Ne me quitte pas